Acoustics and Air Testing Laboratory Company Limited (A+A)*L

聲學及空氣測試實驗室有限公司 (A+A)*L


Acoustics and Air Testing Laboratory Company Limited (A+A)*L is a professional and independent testing laboratory incorporated since June 1995 in Hong Kong, equipped with latest technology of instruments in accordance with international testing standards (ASTM, ISO) in providing a full range of Acoustics and Air testing services.

(A+A)*L has been accredited as HOKLAS Laboratory by the HKAS Executive and has been assigned registration number  and as HKIAS Inspection Body (Type A Inspection Body) by the HKAS Executive and has been assigned registration number .



本公司是經香港特別行政區政府創新科技署轄下的香港認可處所認可之實驗所() [認可編號為 ] 及 香港認可處所認可之甲類檢驗機構 [認可編號為 ]

Testing Services

Indoor Air Quality Assessment and Certification室內空氣質素測量及簽發檢定證書  

Walkthrough Inspection 實地視察

IAQ Assessment 量度室內空氣質素

IAQ Certification 簽發室內空氣質素檢定證書

Acoustics Laboratory Measurement 聲學實驗室測試

Sound Transmission Loss Measurement 隔音性能測試

Sound Absorption Measurement 吸聲特性測試

Impact Insulation measurement 撞擊聲測試

Acoustics Field Measurement 聲學現場測量

Field Sound Insulation Measurement 隔音性能測量

Field Impact Insulation Measurement 現場撞擊聲測量

Field Reverberation Time Measurement 現場混響時間測量

Vibration Measurement 震動測量

Sound Power Measurement 聲功率級測量

Noise Monitoring 噪音監測

Other Field Measurement 其他現場測試

Indoor Ventilation Assessment 室內通風評估

Air Change Rate/ Air Exchange Rate (ACH) Measurement 換氣量測試


Acoustics Design with Computer Modeling電腦模擬的聲學設計

Acoustics Design with ODEON ProgramODEON程式模擬房間,演奏廳的聲音分佈,及工業噪音的控制

Acoustics Design with INSUL ProgramINSUL程式推算牆壁,地板;,天花板,及窗子的隔音性能


HOKLAS Accredited Laboratory Certificate

HKIAS Accredited Inspection Body (Type A) Certificate

ISO 17025 Laboratory Quality Management Certificate